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What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a simple and powerful practice which teaches you how to give your full attention to what is happening while it is happening, in a bid to better handle the pressures of everyday life.
Practicing mindfulness builds confidence, resilience, strengthens your immune system, reduces stress, rest-lessness, anxiety and helps you make better choices in life.
By learning and practicing mindfulness meditations, you can see situations more clearly and react to them in a more mindful, open and calm manner. Practices help you to overcome challenging life situations more easily.
Mindfulness seems to allow pain sufferers to turn down the volume on pain signals and relate to their pain differently. Practicing helps to reduce the symptoms of most stress-based illnesses (IBS, high blood pressure, diabetes… etc.).

About the course
The mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course consist of a theoretical and a practical part.
We learn about how we can become more resilient, confident, calm, more open, how we can reduce our pain and suffering.
From session to session we practice different mindfulness meditations.
We discuss our present mindfulness experience and share our experience on developing our individual mindfulness practice - sharing is optional. (No individual problems are discussed at the course.)
Course details and application
The course is in English.
8 sessions on Tuesdays + half-day retreat session
Start date: Tuesday 18:00, 12 March, 2019
Duration: 2,5 hours
8 sessions: 12, 19 March; 2, 9 16, 23, 30 April; 7 May
Half-day retreat: 10:00-14:00 on a Sat or Sun
(date to chose by the group)
Venue: 1021 Budapest, Tárogató út 2., 2nd floor
Course fee: 76.800 Ft (3200 Ft/óra)
or 240 EUR (10 EUR/hour)
Apply for the course now!
You can also apply via vannaidorka@gmail.com or call me +36308817300
Would you like to know more?
Free taster session
Join me for a taster session discovering mindfulness and its benefits and learn more about the upcoming course!
Time and date: 18:00-19:00, 5 March, 2019
Venue: 1021 Budapest, Tárogató út 2, 2nd floor
Register: vannaidorka@gmail.com ; +3630 881 7300
Self-assessment quiz
Practicing mindfulness helps reduce your anxiety or depression level.
This quiz is developed by the National Health Service in England and uses questions that GPs often use to assess whether someone is anxious or depressed. Start the quiz.
Course Curriculum
Session 1: What is mindfulness? There is more right with us than wrong.
Session 2: Perception and creative responding: gathering the scattered mind
Session 3: What is stress? Bringing awareness to our patterns of reactivity to stress
Session 4: The shadow of stress. Wherever you go, there you are.
Session 5: Responding instead of reacting: You are not your thoughts
Session 6: Stressful communication. Growing awareness of emotions
Session 7: Lifestyle choices. How can I be kind to myself?
Session 8: A mindful life – keeping your mindfulness alive
+ Half-day Retreat (10:00-14:00)

to understand your pain and/or difficulties
to lower stress, anxiety
to connect better to yourself and others
to build resistance, confidence
to improve your focus